Alpecin Sport Shampoo 250ml

Alpecin Caffeine Shampoo with taurine and micronutrients for increased energy demands High energy demands due to exercise can weaken the hair roots so there is a risk of hair loss The Sport Shampoo with Alpecin Caffeine, taurine Daily workput for your hair! Information for competitive athletes: Alpecin Caffeine can be detected in hair follicles Shampoo Application: Massage in during washing, leave on for 2 minutes before rinse out . Apply daily
SKU: U12065
PackSize: 6

Product Description

Men who push themselves to the physical limit when doing sports often experience hair loss. During high-intensity exercise the muscles consume a lot of energy and the body saves energy elsewhere, for example at the hair roots. Hair loss could be the result, as the hair root itself is a high-performance organ that requires lots of energy. Alpecin Sport Caffeine Shampoo is suitable for men who are physically active. Thanks to its special active ingredient combination - Alpecin Caffeine, taurine and the micronutrients biotin, zinc, magnesium and calcium - it recharges the hair roots. This promotes strong hair growth, hair loss can be prevented. Leave Alpecin Sport Caffeine Shampoo on for 2 minutes to allow the active ingredient combination to penetrate from the scalp into the hair roots




Application: Apply and leave on for 2 minutes, then rinse out. Information for competitive athletes: Alpecin Caffeine can be detected in hair follicles.

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